Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Plumbers Maplewood Mn.

Plumbing leaks can cost your home or business a lot of money

The longer a plumbing leak goes on without being repaired the more water you are going to be paying for and not even getting the chance to use. Many people look at that slow leak in their laundry room tub or bathroom sink and they think, "well it's only a drip and it's going right down the drain anyway". That is precisely the problem that little drip running right down your drain is like watching money go down the drain. 

Plumbers, Local Plumbing Companies, Plumbers Maplewood Mn, Plumbers North Saint Paul Mn, Plumbers Stillwater Mn
Drips Cost Dough
There can be many reasons that a leak forms in your plumbing system. From rusting or decaying joints to loose fittings. It really doesn't matter what caused the leak in the first place the fact that you have not called a local plumber is the worrisome part. If you hear that drip drip drip of water hitting the floor or sink bottom it is time to call in a professional plumber. The cost for a local plumber can be be offset by the savings on your water bill. And that as we will si is probably not chump change.

A number of factors can work alone or in combination to affect the rate of corrosion in any plumbing piping system. Depending on a number of factors, even a new piping system can show signs of corrosive wear in as few as two years after installation. The problems are most acute in properties that have been in service 15 years or more, however.

Let's take a look at the most common causes of corrosion of plumbing water systems.

The pH Of The Water 
In copper plumbing systems, if your pH is more than 8, a  film usually forms on the inside of the pipe walls. This film acts as a barrier that slows the affects of corrosion. However, when the pH in the water supply is lower than 8 the copper oxide film (barrier) is dissolved, which leaves no protective barrier and subjecting the pipe to the corrosive action of the water. The ultimate result? Pinhole leaks that can damage walls, flooring and structural components.

Water Velocity
Erosion corrosion occurs at locations where water turbulence develops, usually caused by excessive velocity. This is typically encountered when water makes sudden changes in direction (such as sharp pipe turns and elbows) and through "flow" obstacles such as burrs and excess solder from improperly soldered joints.
Plumbers, Local Plumbing Companies, Plumbers Maplewood Mn, Plumbers North Saint Paul Mn, Plumbers Stillwater Mn
Leaky Pipes Fixed Fast
Of course there are many reasons you may develop leaks in your plumbing system these are just a few examples of what can occur. Punctured pipes from construction, Structural damage from storms can all lead to unwanted utility costs as well as carpet and wall damage and more.

If you have a leaky faucet, leaky pipe or leaky hot water heater contact Paul Vadnais Plumbing. A local plumber with experience. Plumbers can be your best friend in case of an emergency or just an everyday need. Your home and business Plumbing Expert, Paul Vadnais Plumbing.

Paul Vadnais Plumbing
Plumbing and Well Services

Plumbers, Local Plumbing Companies, Plumbers Maplewood Mn, Plumbers North Saint Paul Mn, Plumbers Stillwater Mn

Friday, July 15, 2016

Repair or Replace a Broken Water Heater

Plumbers Maplewood Mn, Plumbers Stillwater Mn, Plumbers Oakdale Mn, Plumbers Woodbury Mn.

A hot water heater is one of your home's appliances that you don't even notice until it quits working then hopping into a cold shower will be a rude eye opener and you will realize it's time to consider hiring a plumber to install a new hot water heater. 

Fact is your home even without knowing it relies on hot water for several different appliances. Even if you still wash your dishes in a sink try washing them in cold water, or better yet heat some water up on the stove and use that to wash those dirty pots and pans.

Fortunately there are a couple options to consider when it comes to your home's hot water system and they are aimed at making the whole system more affordable and environmentally friendly.

First off you can try to repair the broken water heater.

If your homes water heating system isn't that old you may be able to hire a plumber to take a look at the few basic parts that keep it running. There is a heating element in the bottom of the tank that is most likely the culprit, however there is a regulator that supplies the fuel ie natural gas or electric (depending on the type of water heater you have) and that can go bad although it is less likely.

The Heating Element.
This item can easily be located removed and replaced. If you are pretty handy and u understand that doing this yourself you may void any future warranties go ahead and take a look see if it something your comfortable taking on. If you don't have time or just not comfortable tackling this task contact a local plumber. More than likely your plumber will have the parts in stock and can test or change out a part like this in a much shorter amount of time.

Next the Thermostat.
Like most hot and cold appliances the temperature is regulated by a thermostat. This part can easily be located on most water heater and it set's the water temp from low to high. Even if your water heater is running well it may be a good idea to check this setting reducing the temp selected in this thermostat can save your household money simply by reducing it a few degrees.

Once you locate the thermostat if you have the proper testing equipment you can tell if it is operating properly or not. If you discover it is not functioning properly they are pretty easy to remove and replace. Once again a professional plumber in your area can complete a task like this and will more than likely have the part available.

If you have a gas hot water heater you probably want to stick with that if you have an electric hot water heater that will probably be the easiest type as well. However there are some big advantages to the newer tankless water heaters vs that large tank water heater you currently have.

  • Most tankless units come with a federal tax rebate of $300.
  • They never run out of hot water.
  • They last five to 10 years longer than tank heaters.
  • They're more efficient with no standby heat loss.
  • They take up less space and can even be installed on walls or outdoors with an anti-freeze kit.                                                                                                                                                                             Disadvantages                                                                                                                                              They cost up to three times as much as a tank water heater.
  • Your hot water output is split among all your household fixtures.
  • You may need to add a larger natural gas line to supply the unit with enough fuel.
  • Venting gas and propane units requires expensive stainless steel tubing.
  • Electric models may require an additional circuit.

  • In any case you do have some options. When it comes to selecting the water heater that is right for your home a local professional plumber can help make that choice a lot easier.

    if you live in the Twin Cities Mn consider Paul Vadnais Plumbing a family owned and ran business that has been providing plumbing and well services for over 25 years. Contact Paul vadnais today!

    Paul Vadnais Plumbing
    Plumbers, Plumbing Companies, Plumbing and Well Services 

    Friday, July 8, 2016

    Prepare your plumbing systems before going on a vacation.

    Plumbers | Plumbers North Saint Paul Mn | Plumbers Maplewood Mn. | Hotwater Heaters | Leaky Pipes | Plumbers Stillwater Mn

    Summer time and the living is easy. If you are like millions of other Americans you are probably planning some time of family adventure. Securing your plumbing system in your home or business can save you a lot of headaches down the road, literally. 

    Plumbers, Plumbers North Saint Paul Mn | Plumbers Maplewood Mn. | Hotwater Heaters | Leaky Pipes | Plumbers Stillwater MnYour homes plumbing system is made up of a web of plumbing supply lines and plumbing drainage lines. These plumbing systems are normally pretty stable however certain events can arise that may upset the system at that can lead to damage to your plumbing pipes and eventually your entire home.

    If a plumbing pipe bursts due to wear or corrosion and it happens to be a leak in an upstairs bathroom well you can imagine the damage that leaky pipe can do to your home if it is left unchecked for days or even weeks.

    Many homeowners have come home from a vacation only to find that a water line has cracked or outright broken sending gallons of water throughout the home. These types of leaks are hard to predict as it may have been caused by a plumbing supply line hidden behind a wall and thus not easily detected.

    There are a few steps you can take to reduce the prospect of a plumbing leak or burst pipe while you and yours travel to some of Americas great destinations.

    Here are a few steps you can take before you pack the Ms. and kids into a minvan.

    First off turn off the water main, unless you plan om having someone you trust check your home daily the safest thing you can do is turn off the main water supply it's usually easy to access and is the best way to minimize a potential water damage catastrophe.

    In most homes, the main shutoff valve is located right next to the water meter. Sometimes this valve is a knob that can be turned by hand, but other valves may require a wrench to turn on and off. If you’re having trouble locating or turning your shutoff valve, you should contact a local  plumber for help; even if you’re home in the event of a plumbing emergency, knowing where the valve is and how to shut it off may help you prevent thousands of dollars in damage!

    An added bonus to any summer vacation is the savings you’ll reap from leaving your home unoccupied. Not using your household lights, appliances and electronics for several days can make a big difference in your electrical bill, and you may also see a difference in your water bill while you’re showering in hotels and letting restaurants do the dishes. 

    Plumbers, Plumbers North Saint Paul Mn | Plumbers Maplewood Mn. | Hotwater Heaters | Leaky Pipes | Plumbers Stillwater Mn
    The biggest savings potential comes from your hot water heater, however. The water heater consumes more energy than most of the appliances in your home, but if there’s no one home to take hot showers, there’s no need to keep it running. What’s more, if you shut off your main water supply and water leaks or siphons out of the water heater tank by any means, the heating element could burn out if it continues heating an empty tank.

     The easiest way to shut down your water heater for vacation is to turn it off at the main breaker switch. Some modern water heaters also have a “vacation” setting on the heat control dial.

    If you are planning a vacation and you have some questions or concerns about your homes plumbing systems contact a professional local plumber like Paul Vadnais Plumbing. Paul Vadnais Plumbing has been servicing the residential and commercial plumbing needs of customers in the Twin Cities for over 20 years. Call Paul Today!!

    Paul Vadnais Plumbing
    Plumbing Services, Well Services

    Plumbers, Plumbers North Saint Paul Mn | Plumbers Maplewood Mn. | Hotwater Heaters | Leaky Pipes | Plumbers Stillwater Mn