Monday, October 31, 2016

Professional Plumbers in Stillwater Oakdale Maplewood Mn

A professional plumber can advise you on just a few basic projects that can save on your water bill and keep your home functioning at a high level this winter.

Preparing your home for winter can save you money in the long run. Just a few simple adjustments can make your family's budget go a bit further than it did last year.
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Water Heater Insulation

It's no secret everything costs more and energy costs seem to be one of the most to go up more every year. Fortunately there are some very simple things you can do to mitigate these costs and soften the blow of high heating expenses.

Depending on which part of the US you live in it looks like it could be a long cold winter. Whether or not you believe the local weather guy you can always turn to the old farmers almanac to get at least an basic look at the future weather forecast.

In our region the Upper Midwest we are slated for a snowy cold winter, vs last year which was pretty mild by Mn. standards. Even tho this is just a prediction we know in Mn you never really escape the cold entirely.

The easiest way to save money in the winter is to wrap heat generating items such as water heaters and warm water pipes. This can lead to significant savings as well as give you a chance to examine water pipes for corrosion or leaks.

One thing to consider when wrapping a water heater is to leave the vents at the bottom open. This allows the combustion to process normally and also allows the water heater to breathe and get the fresh air intake it needs to function properly. Having covered that here are some tips and information on modern water heaters.

Wrap that water heater in an approved insulation or water heater blanket. Always purchase approved material from your local building store. Trying to do this yourself may lead to unforeseen circumstances and may damage your heater or cause a fire.

Water Heater design has come a long way in the past 20 years. One of the most significant advances is interior or built in insulation. This come from the manufacturer already insulated sparing the need for external insulation wraps.

If your local plumber determines your water heater has internal insulation you can then move on to water pipes as your next insulation project.

How to determine if your water heater is internally insulated. If you are confident you know your way around your homes appliances you can check this for yourself it is pretty simple really.

Check the Label. 

Water heaters with integrated insulation look just like their counter parts however they will look a little fatter. You can check your original documentation or you can check the heaters label and look for an "R". If your water heater R value is at the top of the scale you are probably ok.

Insulate hot water pipes.
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Hot Water Pipe Insulation
There are 2 types of insulation pre made for this purpose. One is a foam insulation and the other is a fiberglass insulator. Either on will work to keep heat from escaping your hot water pipes.. If you are unsure of which would suite you better consult your local plumbing contractor. It usually come down to cost. Fiberglass may be a better insulator but it will cost a bit more. Foam is easy to work with and comes in long strands that you just have to cut to fit.

In any case if you are thinking to yourself  I need a plumber to help address these issues contact a local Plumber Like Paul Vadnais Plumbing. Paul Vadnais has been in the Plumbing Business for over 25 years and is a 4th generation licensed Plumber in the state of Mn.

Paul Vadnais Plumbing
Plumbers, Wells, etc
"No Job Too Big or Too Small, Better Call Paul"

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