Thursday, March 26, 2015

A good plumber isn't always hard to find

A good plumber isn't always hard to find. but when your water pressure is low you are going to want a professional plumber fast.

I can almost guarantee that we have never heard this from a customer: "I can't stand how high the water pressure is in my house. It's like showering under a fire hose.  I can't handle the pressure!"  

Plumbers North Saint Paul, Plumbers Oakdale, Plumbers Maplewood, Water Heater Installation Leaky Pipe Repair,  Plumber, Hot Water Heater, Sump Pump, Plumber Service
Paul Vadnais Plumbing
Most people want as much water pressure as their faucets will put out. A good number of people feel like they don't have enough water pressure to begin with.  
So, why on Earth would anyone want to install a pressure reducing valve in their home? Here are a couple of reasons that might encourage you to consider a PRV:


If you have ever replaced an appliance in your home whether it be your water heater, dishwasher, or water softener, you probably know that it ain't cheap. I've been saving for months to buy the perfect dishwasher for my house. If I am going to invest that kind of money into my home, I want to do everything I can to protect that investment.  
If the water pressure in my home is too high, that pressure puts undo stress on my brand spankin' new dishwasher.  The life of that appliance will diminish exponentially depending on how high the pressure is.  The same thing goes for all appliances that are connected to a water line.  I see people all the time that really value the high end appliances.  I for one would have some serious heartburn if I spent thousands of dollars remodeling my kitchen only to find that the pressure in my home is diminishing the value of that remodel.


Believe me, I get it. Nobody wants to shower under a trickling faucet. The trick is to find the right balance between your water pressure and your wallet.  Reducing high water pressure should extend the life of your fixtures.  I'm not saying that you need to suffer through a shower like it is being poured out of a garden watering can.  You can have a comfortable water pressure that your fixtures can handle.  
Besides reducing the harmful effects of high pressure, you could also save some water. And who wouldn't want to save a little water and make the world a better place to live?

Supply Lines

Here locally, the city is hooking some neighborhoods up to a new water main that will increase their water pressure from 40 psi to upward of 110 psi. If you have ever been watering the lawn and folded over the hose, building up a ton of water pressure and then let go of the crimp and sprayed your husband in the face, you can imagine what the new water pressure could do to the water supply lines in these homes.  

Plumbers North Saint Paul, Plumbers Oakdale, Plumbers Maplewood, Water Heater Installation Leaky Pipe Repair,  Plumber, Hot Water Heater, Sump Pump, Plumber Service
Professional Plumbers
If you can't relate to that example, let me ask if you know what one of the most common causes of catastrophic water damage in homes could be? You guessed it - burst washing machine hoses. A lot of people have the rubber washing machine hoses that you can pick up at any DIY store. Now think back to my example above and imagine that pressure rushing through to your washing machine. High pressure water plus rubber washing machine hoses equals a disaster just waiting to happen.  You may as well start building your ark now.   

Most people think they know whether their water pressure is too high, too low, or just right. It isn't a bad idea to have a licensed plumber check it out and give you the peace of mind to know that you are doing everything you can to protect your home and everything in it. And for those envious souls that are on the low end of the pressure test, there may be options for you too. 

If your home or business is experiencing low water pressure contact Paul Vadnais Plumbing, get your water pressure isues fixed fast!!

Paul Vadnais Plumbing
Professional Licensed Plumbers
(651) 429-8908

Plumbers North Saint Paul, Plumbers Oakdale, Plumbers Maplewood, Water Heater Installation Leaky Pipe Repair,  Plumber, Hot Water Heater, Sump Pump, Plumber Service

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Garbage Disposal Odor? Maybe it's time to call in a Professional Plumber

Is your Garbage Disposal a source of odor maybe it's time to call in a Professional Plumber

My garbage disposal smells really bad, what can a professional plumber do to get rid of it?
It’s important to understand that garbage disposals are not for all types of garbage.  Even though the name implies such, it’s a very selective appliance that should only be used for specific types of garbage.
Plumbers Oakdale, Plumbers North Saint Paul, Plumbers Maplewood, Plumbers Woodbury, Water Heater Installers,  tankless water heaters, drain cleaning, shower repair, boiler repair, emergency plumber, sewer repair
Garbage Disposal Replacement
Unfortunately, many people tend to put oil, grease, plastic, glass, metal, paper, pasta, eggshells, bleach, and large pieces of food inside of their garbage disposal.  All of these things will breakdown your disposal and cause it to smell, and function roughly.

My garbage disposal smells like rotting food. How can a professional plumber get rid of it? 
Most times when a garbage disposal smells foul, it tends to have food debris stuck at the bottom of the panels.  If this happens, your plumber can easily remove the food debris, and pour a safe solution into your disposal to help the smell from bacteria building up to be safely removed from your drain.

What shouldn’t I put down my garbage disposal?
Plumbers Oakdale, Plumbers North Saint Paul, Plumbers Maplewood, Plumbers Woodbury, Water Heater Installers,  tankless water heaters, drain cleaning, shower repair, boiler repair, emergency plumber, sewer repair
Garbage Disposal Repair and Installation
There are many things that you should never put into your garbage disposal. While this list is quite long, once you know the basics you can make informed decisions.  Fox is going to cover some of the most common and dangerous to the life of your garbage disposal.
  • Potatoes and Stringy Vegetables
  • Oil, Grease or Fats
  • Pasta, Bread and Rice
  • Bones
  • Coffee Grounds
If you find that your garbage disposal is starting to smell then it might be time to call a plumbing professional.  Paul Vadnais Plumbing and Well Services. They can help eliminate the smell and give you tips to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Paul Vadnais Plumbing
Professional Licensed Insured

Plumbers Oakdale, Plumbers North Saint Paul, Plumbers Maplewood, Plumbers Woodbury, Water Heater Installerstankless water heaters, drain cleaning, shower repair, boiler repair, emergency plumber, sewer repair

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Sump Pump Repair, Installation

Sump Pump Repair, Installation

It is spring time and that can mean only one thing here in the midwest thawing and water runoff. If your home is susceptible to flooding a sump pump and drainage system is a must.
Plumbers Oakdale, Plumbers North Saint Paul, Plumbers Maplewood, Plumbers Hugo, Plumbers Stillwater, Water Heater Installers, Sump Pump Installers, Leaky Pipe Replacement, Install Garbage Disposals, Toilet Repair
Sump Pump Installation

Keeping that system up and running will depend on  what you do to take care of the sump pump itself. A qualified licensed plumber can install repair or replace your sump pump if it is not operating properly.

Basic sump pump maintenance is quite simple. Be proactive and consider the following tips when preparing for the spring thaw and summer rains.

Pour a bucket of water into the pit - Slowly pour about 5 gallons of water into the sump pump to make sure the pump starts automatically and the water drains quickly once the pump is on. Make the pump turn on and and off at least twice.

Check for debris in the sump basin - By using a flashlight, you can check to see if there is dirt, gravel, sand, or any other debris that should be removed to increase efficiency and extend the life of the pump. These obstructions can also decrease the pump's ability to drain the sump, and can allow it to overflow.

Inspect the check valve - The check valve is on the water outlet pipe and is set up so water doesn't flow back in the sump pump when the pump shuts off. The check valve's arrow should not be pointing towards the sump pump.

Clean the weep hole - This is located between the sump pump and the check valve. You can clean it out with a toothpick or any other tiny object.

Plumbers Oakdale, Plumbers North Saint Paul, Plumbers Maplewood, Plumbers Hugo, Plumbers Stillwater, Water Heater Installers, Sump Pump Installers, Leaky Pipe Replacement, Install Garbage Disposals, Toilet Repair
Sump Pump Repair
Clean the impeller - This is a small filter that can easily become clogged. It should be connected to the sump pump with bolts and may need a good cleaning to run properly.

Install a battery back-up power source - Adding protection and peace of mind, installing a battery back-up is a great way to avoid overflow when you have a power outage. Most power outages are caused by heavy thunderstorms that bring huge amounts of rain very quickly. This is when you need your sump pump most. If you lose power, the back-up system will take over to get rid of the water as the basin fills up keeping your home from becoming a swimming pool.

If you think your sump pump is in need of repair or replacement contact a qualified plumber to get the job done right.

Paul Vadnais Plumbing
Residential and Commercial Plumbing Contractors
651 429-8908

Plumbers Oakdale, Plumbers North Saint Paul, Plumbers Maplewood, Plumbers Hugo, Plumbers Stillwater, Water Heater Installers, Sump Pump Installers, Leaky Pipe Replacement, Install Garbage Disposals, Toilet Repair

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sewer Camera Inspection A Professional Plumbers new way to see the problem

Sewer Camera Inspection A Professional Plumbers new way to see the problem

If  you have ever experienced a slow drain in your sinks or tubs it very well possibly could be a result of a blocked sewer line. Of course we have all dropped something down the sink, or dreveloped a clogged drain due to excessive hair loss but these are typically issues that can be solved on the surface.
Professional Plumbers North Saint Paul Mn, Plumbers Oakdale Mn, Plumbers Maplewood Mn, Plumbers Stillwater Mn,  Plumbers Woodbury Mn, Plumbers Mahtomedi  Mn, Plumbers  Hugo Mn
Roots in a sewer pipe
Typically removing the piping directly below the sink or tub itself can yield a quick  cure for most drain plugs.

In some cases when all else has failed, you have a larger problem. At one time we had a client that had a tree growing in the yard. As the tree grew larger their drain issues seemed to increase. Their tubs and sinks drained slower and slower as the years went on. The homeowners never put 2 and 2 together they enjoyed the beautiful tree but couldn't figure out why the drains were slowing. At last they had to call in a professional plumber. In this case we decided to suggest a full camera viewing to see exactly what was causing the slow drainage issues. Our preferred tool for this job is a sewer camera. This is a long tubular shaped device that can travel as far into a homes piping as needed. In most cases a full sewer inspection to the street is necessary.

What we found was nothing short of amazing. It seems that as their prized tree was growing in the yard the root system was penetrating the sewer piping walls,. The roots of this tree were so strong they broke thru the old sewer pipe and had almost completely blocked the water flow. Without a tool like this we would have suggested digging up the yard and troubleshooting it that way. With this new technology we can see on a screen a well lit view from inside a drainage system saving a potential client hundreds if not thousands of dollars in the process.

Professional Plumbers North Saint Paul Mn, Plumbers Oakdale Mn, Plumbers Maplewood Mn, Plumbers Stillwater Mn,  Plumbers Woodbury Mn, Plumbers Mahtomedi  Mn, Plumbers  Hugo Mn
Sewer Camera Inspection

 If your home has an issue with slow drainage you may consider a sewer camera inspection. A licensed professional plumber can assess your situation with a birds eye view of any potential problem. Once the problem is diagnosed an economical solution can be implemented.

Contact, Paul Vadnais Plumbing today for all of your plumbing needs.

Paul Vadnais Plumbing

Professional Plumbers North Saint Paul Mn, Plumbers Oakdale Mn, Plumbers Maplewood Mn, Plumbers Stillwater MnPlumbers Woodbury Mn, Plumbers Mahtomedi  Mn, Plumbers  Hugo Mn

Monday, March 2, 2015

Tired of High Water Bills Monthly? You can reduce Water Waste Dramatically by having a professional plumber install a High-EfficiencyToilet

Tired of High Water Bills Monthly? You can reduce Water Waste Dramatically by having a professional plumber install a High-EfficiencyToilet

Plumbing and Well Services Plumbers in  North Saint Paul, Oakdale, Maplewood, Stillwater, Mahtomedi, Lake Elmo, Grant Township
Consult a Professional Plumber Today
No many homeowners consider this but a toilet uses more water in your home than any other fixture or appliance? Well, that is a fact. About 30% of indoor residential water consumption is flushed down the toilet. This being said, your toilet is the major culprit of water waste. That’s why the government regulation agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency support the use of water-efficient toilets. This can help save the country’s water resources by reducing water waste in homes.

In terms of federal law, a new toilet cannot use more than 1.6 gallons of water per flush. HETs (high efficiency toilets) are below this standard, using 1.28 gallons per flush, resulting in water savings of 20 percent. And now, some of the latest HETs use a miserly 1.1 gallons.

Like many consumers, you may be concerned about the performance of a low-flow HET. Will it clear the bowl properly and leave it clean? Will it frequently stop up? Rest assured, advances in modern toilet design do not diminish flushing power at all. In fact, many high-efficiency toilets perform significantly better than their standard counterparts – a testament to the use of computer design rather than the trial-and-error efforts of the past. A professional plumber can help make the right choice for your home or business

Plumbing and Well Services Plumbers in  North Saint Paul, Oakdale, Maplewood, Stillwater, Mahtomedi, Lake Elmo, Grant Township
Water saving options
If you’re in the market for a new toilet, ask your plumber about high efficiency low flow water saving products. If you’re an eco-minded consumer, there are a number of affordable water-conserving, decorative products that will flush consistently every time, and they won’t leak.

For a professional plumber in North Saint Paul Mn, Oakdale, Stillwater, Woodbury Lake Elmo

Contact Paul Vadnais Plumbing and Well Services
Paul Vadnais Plumbing
Plumbing and Well Services Plumbers in  North Saint Paul, Oakdale, Maplewood, Stillwater, Mahtomedi, Lake Elmo, Grant Township