Thursday, March 26, 2015

A good plumber isn't always hard to find

A good plumber isn't always hard to find. but when your water pressure is low you are going to want a professional plumber fast.

I can almost guarantee that we have never heard this from a customer: "I can't stand how high the water pressure is in my house. It's like showering under a fire hose.  I can't handle the pressure!"  

Plumbers North Saint Paul, Plumbers Oakdale, Plumbers Maplewood, Water Heater Installation Leaky Pipe Repair,  Plumber, Hot Water Heater, Sump Pump, Plumber Service
Paul Vadnais Plumbing
Most people want as much water pressure as their faucets will put out. A good number of people feel like they don't have enough water pressure to begin with.  
So, why on Earth would anyone want to install a pressure reducing valve in their home? Here are a couple of reasons that might encourage you to consider a PRV:


If you have ever replaced an appliance in your home whether it be your water heater, dishwasher, or water softener, you probably know that it ain't cheap. I've been saving for months to buy the perfect dishwasher for my house. If I am going to invest that kind of money into my home, I want to do everything I can to protect that investment.  
If the water pressure in my home is too high, that pressure puts undo stress on my brand spankin' new dishwasher.  The life of that appliance will diminish exponentially depending on how high the pressure is.  The same thing goes for all appliances that are connected to a water line.  I see people all the time that really value the high end appliances.  I for one would have some serious heartburn if I spent thousands of dollars remodeling my kitchen only to find that the pressure in my home is diminishing the value of that remodel.


Believe me, I get it. Nobody wants to shower under a trickling faucet. The trick is to find the right balance between your water pressure and your wallet.  Reducing high water pressure should extend the life of your fixtures.  I'm not saying that you need to suffer through a shower like it is being poured out of a garden watering can.  You can have a comfortable water pressure that your fixtures can handle.  
Besides reducing the harmful effects of high pressure, you could also save some water. And who wouldn't want to save a little water and make the world a better place to live?

Supply Lines

Here locally, the city is hooking some neighborhoods up to a new water main that will increase their water pressure from 40 psi to upward of 110 psi. If you have ever been watering the lawn and folded over the hose, building up a ton of water pressure and then let go of the crimp and sprayed your husband in the face, you can imagine what the new water pressure could do to the water supply lines in these homes.  

Plumbers North Saint Paul, Plumbers Oakdale, Plumbers Maplewood, Water Heater Installation Leaky Pipe Repair,  Plumber, Hot Water Heater, Sump Pump, Plumber Service
Professional Plumbers
If you can't relate to that example, let me ask if you know what one of the most common causes of catastrophic water damage in homes could be? You guessed it - burst washing machine hoses. A lot of people have the rubber washing machine hoses that you can pick up at any DIY store. Now think back to my example above and imagine that pressure rushing through to your washing machine. High pressure water plus rubber washing machine hoses equals a disaster just waiting to happen.  You may as well start building your ark now.   

Most people think they know whether their water pressure is too high, too low, or just right. It isn't a bad idea to have a licensed plumber check it out and give you the peace of mind to know that you are doing everything you can to protect your home and everything in it. And for those envious souls that are on the low end of the pressure test, there may be options for you too. 

If your home or business is experiencing low water pressure contact Paul Vadnais Plumbing, get your water pressure isues fixed fast!!

Paul Vadnais Plumbing
Professional Licensed Plumbers
(651) 429-8908

Plumbers North Saint Paul, Plumbers Oakdale, Plumbers Maplewood, Water Heater Installation Leaky Pipe Repair,  Plumber, Hot Water Heater, Sump Pump, Plumber Service

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